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Alternatives to courses from Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan

There are alternatives to some courses from Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan. This list contains only courses that have at least one alternative found. Find all courses from Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan.

NOTE. Maping of courses from different providers to groups as alternatives was done by users of this web site. It is not officially approved alternatives list. Courses providers did not cooperate with the site when preparing this. Please, use the list of alternatives on your own risk.

Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan

The Open.Michigan collection showcases teaching and learning resources and experiences from University of Michigan (U-M) faculty, students, staff, and partner institutions. The website hosts teaching and learning materials produced by U-M faculty, students, and staff that are licensed under a Creative Commons license (“open license”) that allow for redistribution, copying, and adaptation.

Open.Michigan is not an accrediting body at U-M and does not grant degrees or certificates nor provide access to U-M faculty. You can use the courses from Open.Michigan for free to support your learning, teaching, and research at your own pace.

M1 Human Growth and Development

Alternatives (1)

Physics 140 - General Physics 1

Alternatives (18)

Spanish 103 - Review of Elementary Spanish

Alternatives (5)