Online education providers
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The list of online courses providers and certification providers used in our directories.
Providers: All Online Courses Certification
Certification provider

We promote excellence and equity in education through programs for K

Certification provider

Excelsior College revolutionized adult higher education by recognizing learning wherever and whenever it occurs.

A leader in online and distance learning, Excelsior College awards degrees at the associate and bachelor’s levels in liberal arts, nursing, business, technology, and health sciences, and at the master's level in liberal studies, nursing, and business. Certificate programs are also offered by the Schools of Business & Technology, Health Sciences, Liberal Arts, and Nursing.

Earn college level credit in select subject areas by passing one of our proficiency exams. The American Council on Education's College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) has evaluated and recommended college credit for ECEs. Our nursing ECEs are the only nursing exams evaluated and recommended for credit by ACE CREDIT. Accepted for credit at hundreds of colleges and universities, ECEs can save you time and money compared to completing equivalent course work.


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