Courses tagged with "Biology" (26)

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Udemy $49 Closed [?] Business Biology Branding Design Histology Natural Science Nursing

Learn the idea behind sources of passive income. Specific investment ideas are presented.

No votes Free Closed [?] Business Abnormal sexual function Biology Global Nutrition Structural+engineering Taking derivatives

Principles of Microeconomics belongs to the CLEP® PREP suite of Saylor courses. This version of ECON101 will help you master the subject of microeconomics and will help prepare you to take the CLEP® exam in microeconomics [1]. The purpose of this course is to provide you with a basic understanding of the principles of microeconomics. At its core, the study of economics deals with the choices and decisions that have to be made in order to manage scarce resources available to us. Microeconomics is the branch of economics that pertains to decisions made at the individual level, i.e., by individual consumers or individual firms after evaluating resources, costs, and tradeoffs. When we talk about the economy, we are referring to the marketplace or system in which these choices interact with one another. In this course, you will learn how and why these decisions are made and how they affect one another in the economy. Each of the following units has been designed as a building block, where the concepts you le…

No votes Free Closed [?] Business Abnormal sexual function Biology Global Nutrition Structural+engineering Taking derivatives

Economics is traditionally divided into two parts: microeconomics and macroeconomics. The main purpose of this course is to introduce you to the principles of macroeconomics. Macroeconomics is the study of how a country’s economy works while trying to discern among good, better, and best choices for improving and/or maintaining a nation’s standard of living and level of economic and societal well-being. Historical and contemporary perspectives on the roles and policies of government are part of the mix of interpretations and alternatives that surround questions of who or what gains and loses the most or least within a relatively small set of key interdependent players. In the broadest view, that set consists of households, consumers, savers, firm owners, investors, agency and elected officials, and global trading partners in which some wear many hats and face price considerations at two levels. Consider one distinction between macroeconomics and microeconomics though prices are taken into account in bot…

No votes Free Closed [?] Business clive lewis Abnormal sexual function American Government Amnesty InternationalX Biology Book distribution

This course introduces the basic financial statements used by most businesses, as well as the essential tools used to prepare them. This course will serve as a resource to help business students succeed in their upcoming university-level accounting classes, and as a refresher for upper division accounting students who are struggling to recall elementary concepts essential to more advanced accounting topics. Business owners will also benefit from this class by gaining essential skills necessary to organize and manage information pertinent to operating their business. At the conclusion of the class, students will understand the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. They will be able to differentiate between cash basis and accrual basis techniques, and know when each is appropriate. They

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