Courses tagged with "Engaging with Art" (1)

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Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Health and Welfare Class2Go Endocrine physiology Engaging with Art

Learn about blood pressure and how we measure it. Take a deeper dive and find out how blood pressure is related to resistance and flow!. What is blood pressure?. Learn how a stethoscope can help determine blood pressure. Resistance in a tube. Adding up resistance in series and in parallel. Adding up resistance problem. Flow and Perfusion. Putting it all together: Pressure, flow, and resistance. Blood pressure changes over time. What is blood pressure?. Learn how a stethoscope can help determine blood pressure. Resistance in a tube. Adding up resistance in series and in parallel. Adding up resistance problem. Flow and Perfusion. Putting it all together: Pressure, flow, and resistance. Blood pressure changes over time.

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