Courses tagged with "Entrance Exams" (1)

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Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Health and Welfare Class2Go Endocrine physiology Entrance Exams

Find out how the body works to maintain a normal blood pressure by sensing when its too high or too low and responding accordingly. Regulation of blood pressure with baroreceptors. Parts of a nephron. General overview of the RAAS system - Cells and hormones. Renin production in the kidneys. Activating Angiotensin 2. Angiotensin 2 raises blood pressure. Aldosterone raises blood pressure and lowers potassium. Aldosterone removes acid from the blood. ADH secretion. ADH effects on blood pressure. Aldosterone and ADH. Regulation of blood pressure with baroreceptors. Parts of a nephron. General overview of the RAAS system - Cells and hormones. Renin production in the kidneys. Activating Angiotensin 2. Angiotensin 2 raises blood pressure. Aldosterone raises blood pressure and lowers potassium. Aldosterone removes acid from the blood. ADH secretion. ADH effects on blood pressure. Aldosterone and ADH.

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