Courses tagged with "Ideas" (1)

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Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Health and Welfare Class2Go Endocrine physiology Ideas

Find out how preload, afterload, and contractility work together to change your PV Loop (and affect stroke volume and cardiac output)!. What is Preload?. What is afterload?. Increasing the Heart's Force of Contraction. Reimagine the Pressure Volume Relationship. What is Contractility?. Getting Ea (Arterial Elastance) from the PV Loop. Arterial Elastance (Ea) and Afterload. Arterial Elastance (Ea) and Preload. Stroke Work in PV Loops and Boxes. Contractility, Ea, and Preload Effects on PV Boxes. What is Preload?. What is afterload?. Increasing the Heart's Force of Contraction. Reimagine the Pressure Volume Relationship. What is Contractility?. Getting Ea (Arterial Elastance) from the PV Loop. Arterial Elastance (Ea) and Afterload. Arterial Elastance (Ea) and Preload. Stroke Work in PV Loops and Boxes. Contractility, Ea, and Preload Effects on PV Boxes.

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