Courses tagged with "Chemokines" (4)

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Starts : 2015-04-27
29 votes
Coursera Free Mathematics English BabsonX Chemokines Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition

Learn how to apply mathematical methods to philosophical problems and questions.

Starts : 2014-03-10
27 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Mathematics Italian BabsonX Calculus I Chemokines Nutrition

In questo corso imparerete i Principi che stanno alla base della Fisica del XX secolo, cioè della Relatività e la Meccanica Quantistica, e come sia cambiata la nostra visione del mondo.

Starts : 2015-02-24
No votes
Coursera Free Mathematics English BabsonX Beginner Chemokines Customer Service Certification Program Evaluation History of Math

This is an introduction to formal logic and how it is applied in computer science, electronic engineering, linguistics and philosophy. You will learn propositional logic—its language, interpretations and proofs, and apply it to solve problems in a wide range of disciplines.

Starts : 2015-04-14
No votes
Coursera Free Mathematics English BabsonX Beginner Chemokines Customer Service Certification Program Evaluation History of Math

This is an introduction to predicate logic and how it is applied in computer science, electronic engineering, linguistics, mathematics and philosophy. Building on your knowledge of propositional logic, you will learn predicate logic—its language, interpretations and proofs, and apply it to solve problems in a wide range of disciplines.

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