Courses tagged with "Nutrition" (219)

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Starts : 2010-09-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

Analysis I covers fundamentals of mathematical analysis: metric spaces, convergence of sequences and series, continuity, differentiability, Riemann integral, sequences and series of functions, uniformity, interchange of limit operations.

Starts : 2005-09-01
8 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This course continues from Analysis I (18.100B), in the direction of manifolds and global analysis. The first half of the course covers multivariable calculus. The rest of the course covers the theory of differential forms in n-dimensional vector spaces and manifolds.

No votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

This course is taught in French Vous voulez comprendre l'arithmétique ? Vous souhaitez découvrir une application des mathématiques à la vie quotidienne ? Ce cours est fait pour vous ! De niveau première année d'université, vous apprendrez les bases de l'arithmétique (division euclidienne, théorème de Bézout, nombres premiers, congruence). Vous vous êtes déjà demandé comment sont sécurisées les transactions sur Internet ? Vous découvrirez les bases de la cryptographie, en commençant par les codes les plus simples pour aboutir au code RSA. Le code RSA est le code utilisé pour crypter les communications sur internet. Il est basé sur de l'arithmétique assez simple que l'on comprendra en détail. Vous pourrez en plus mettre en pratique vos connaissances par l'apprentissage de notions sur le langage de programmation Python. Vous travaillerez à l'aide de cours écrits et de vidéos, d'exercices corrigés en vidéos, des quiz, des travaux pratiques. Le cours est entièrement gratuit !

Starts : 2006-02-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Calculus I Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

This course provides a graduate-level introduction to stellar astrophysics. It covers a variety of topics, ranging from stellar structure and evolution to galactic dynamics and dark matter.

17 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics HumanitiesandScience HumanitiesandScience HumanitiesandScience HumanitiesandScience Nutrition Nutrition

This course is a review of Basic Arithmetic skills that serve as a prerequisite for placement into and success in pre-college and college-level algebra courses. In this course, primary emphasis will be placed on fundamental operations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and integers. Other topics covered include proportions, percentages, representations of data, geometric figures, and measurement. Students who should take this course include: those that have an interest in brushing up on arithmetic skills prior to taking an upcoming placement test or those that have not had math in many years and want to review foundational skills and concepts. This course provides free digital access to all required materials including a student workbook, lesson videos, and online homework practice and assessment. A certificate of completion will be awarded by the instructor to students who complete required activities. The course instructor recommends purchase of a textbook or other course materials. Please see the details below. Required materials: Basic Arithmetic Student Workbook Purchase Info: Hard copy at or access via free digital download. Approximate cost for hard copy: $15

Starts : 2014-08-18
No votes
FutureLearn Free Closed [?] Mathematics Information policy Nutrition Security+regulations University+of+Exeter

This course explains how you can use numbers to describe the natural world and make sense of everything from atoms to oceans.

Starts : 2010-09-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This is a variation on 18.02 Multivariable Calculus. It covers the same topics as in 18.02, but with more focus on mathematical concepts.


Prof. McKernan would like to acknowledge the contributions of Lars Hesselholt to the development of this course.

Starts : 2014-01-24
84 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Mathematics English BabsonX Crash+Course+Biology Customer Service Certification Program Department of Economics Navigation+SAP Nutrition

Calculus One is a first introduction to differential and integral calculus, emphasizing engaging examples from everyday life.

Starts : 2014-06-04
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Mathematics English BabsonX Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition

Calculus One is a first introduction to differential and integral calculus, emphasizing engaging examples from everyday life.

Starts : 2014-03-01
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Mathematics English BabsonX Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition

Calculus Two: Sequences and Series is an introduction to sequences, infinite series, convergence tests, and Taylor series. The course emphasizes not just getting answers, but asking the question "why is this true?"

Starts : 2005-02-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This is an undergraduate course on differential calculus in one and several dimensions. It is intended as a one and a half term course in calculus for students who have studied calculus in high school. The format allows it to be entirely self contained, so that it is possible to follow it without any background in calculus.

Starts : 2010-09-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

18.014, Calculus with Theory, covers the same material as 18.01 (Single Variable Calculus), but at a deeper and more rigorous level. It emphasizes careful reasoning and understanding of proofs. The course assumes knowledge of elementary calculus.

Starts : 2015-05-22
352 votes
Coursera Free Popular Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Customer Service Certification Program How to Succeed Nutrition

This course provides a brisk, challenging, and dynamic treatment of differential and integral calculus, with an emphasis on conceptual understanding and applications to the engineering, physical, and social sciences.

Starts : 2015-02-02
304 votes
Coursera Free Popular Computer Sciences English BabsonX Basic Genetics Beginner Customer Service Certification Program Evaluation Evaluation

Learn the concepts and methods of linear algebra, and how to use them to think about computational problems arising in computer science. Coursework includes building on the concepts to write small programs and run them on real data.

Starts : 2014-09-29
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Mathematics Turkish BabsonX Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition

Ders çok değişkenli fonksiyonlardaki ikili dizinin birincisidir. Burada çok değişkenli fonksiyonlardaki temel türev ve entegral kavramlarını geliştirmek ve bu konulardaki problemleri çözmekteki temel yöntemleri sunmaktadır. Ders gerçek yaşamdan gelen uygulamaları da tanıtmaya önem veren “içerikli yaklaşımla” tasarlanmıştır.

Starts : 2014-08-04
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Mathematics Turkish BabsonX Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition

Ders çok değişkenli fonksiyonlardaki iki derslik dizinin ikincisidir. Birinci ders türev ve entegral kavramlarını geliştirmekte ve bu konulardaki problemleri temel çözme yöntemlerini sunmaktadır. Bu ders, birinci derste geliştirilen temeller üzerine daha ileri konuları işlemekte ve daha kapsamlı uygulamalar ve çözümlü örnekler sunmaktadır. Ders gerçek yaşamdan gelen uygulamaları da tanıtmaya önem veren “içerikli yaklaşımla” tasarlanmıştır. 

39 votes
Udacity Free Closed [?] Mathematics CMS Nutrition

Math is everywhere. In this class, you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of algebraic principles, many of which you may have seen before, and learn how to use them to solve problems that we encounter in everyday life. The online version of College Algebra will cover all of the topics that you would see in more traditional class formats, but it will present the material in a way that we hope you’ll find fresh and interesting. You will learn about functions, polynomials, graphing, complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic equations, and much more, all through exploring real-world scenarios.

Starts : 2015-06-08
8 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

College Algebra Prep will get you ready for College Algebra. We will cover the prerequisite algebra topics, study skills, success skills, and things you need to know about electronic homework systems, to be successful in college algebra. You will supply the drive and commitment to make this a successful course for you.

Starts : 2014-09-01
15 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Computer Sciences Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This course analyzes combinatorial problems and methods for their solution. Topics include: enumeration, generating functions, recurrence relations, construction of bijections, introduction to graph theory, network algorithms, and extremal combinatorics.

Starts : 2003-09-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Computer Sciences Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

Combinatorial Optimization provides a thorough treatment of linear programming and combinatorial optimization. Topics include network flow, matching theory, matroid optimization, and approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems.

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